Fill the void with light…

Sea-Bands, for all your video game induced motion sickness...

January. 2025. Right then. Sixteen days of vacation (minus those two pesky days of social obligations) sounds like a lot, but when you factor in weekends and holidays, it was only actually seven days that Bob had to use PTO for. Two weeks of staying holed-up in the house, avoiding people, staying up too late, eating meals at weird times, playing video games, and generally enjoying just existing with each other. Yeah we’re probably getting… Keep reading…Fill the void with light…

A Year in Review…2024…the Music… Day by Day...

I didn’t think I had listened to too much music over the past year, but the numbers are up from the year before. It was a year of the usual suspects plus the Wicked White soundtrack. (Which…features a lot of the usual suspects…) There was a little more variety in top albums, but the top songs were nearly identical. And the top artists never really change too much. In equally shocking news, water is wet…. Keep reading…A Year in Review…2024…the Music…

A Year in Review…2024…

Year of the Snake...

It is 2025. It has been a quarter of a century since the Y2K panic. Computers didn’t implode the world, but mine did reset to 1980 at the stroke of midnight. Simpler times. 2025 is the Year of the Snake. Steve says HI. 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 2024 was The Year of…Existence… I don’t… Keep reading…A Year in Review…2024…

The work is done…

We have LEGOs at home.

I am bloody tired and my whole body hurts. No, we haven’t caught the plague again, it’s just the aftermath of being social two days in a row. We haven’t had a 2-day Christmas since before the pandemic. My anxious, introverted body was not prepared. But now we can stay holed-up in the Bear Cave and avoid people until next year. I came home from Christmas Eve with a new set of fidget toys. Dale… Keep reading…The work is done…

Beyond control…

He's like...seventy-five percent noggin...

December. Right then. Wednesday morning after Bob went downstairs to work, I went back to sleep. Like I do. Approximately two hours later, I was ripped from sleep by the loudest fucking alarm I have ever heard in my life. At first I thought it was an Amber Alert on my phone, but I quickly realized that was not the case. It took a few more seconds for my head to clear enough to realize… Keep reading…Beyond control…

Two Years.

Two Years.

Two years. Two full years since Joe died. It still sounds like some fucking bullshit. He shows up in my dreams every so often. I see him, and I know he’s not supposed to be there, but everyone else acts like it’s completely normal. I spend the entire time stressed out because even if he is supposed to be there at that moment, I know it won’t be long before he’s gone again. I wake… Keep reading…Two Years.